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  • siaoying99

Recycle Centre ♻︎

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

With an aim to improve and encourage public behavior and habit on waste segregation for recycling in order to achieve a clean city environment.

Concept Idea


Environment pollution is always a topic and issue that always been ignored among public. The indifference and lack concern from public and the government is always the main cause of unsuccess for all the efforts that have been made by the relevant authorities. To achieve sustainable waste management, cooperation among public is important and should not be interrupt. Public have to firm and obstinate continuance in action to carry out a proper waste management. Never Stop and Never Give Up.

The Interior:

Space Requirement

  1. Recycle Items Drop-Off Area - Collecting recycle items from public.

  2. Waste Out Area - Space for storing recycle items and later to be sent out.

  3. Recycle Wall - Adding the recycle items from public to decorate the wall.

  4. Retail shop - Selling recycle products.

  5. Interactive Screen Zone - Virtual waste separation and recycling info.

  6. Reception Counter

  7. Lobby - Sitting area.

  8. Washroom

  9. Workshop Area - Handicraft and souvenirs making by using recycle materials.

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