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  • siaoying99

Experience Centre for United Nations 2030 Agenda

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

As the earth’s climate is changing, our planet is getting worse. It seems like there’s disastrous wildfire happened in different countries every year. Even if the disaster is getting worse and worse, humans are still standing on the sidelines as the fire haven’t ignite on themselves. Hence, the objectives will be awaken of humanity.

Design Concept

“ QUENCH THE FLAME ” HOW MIGHT WE suppress the more serious disaster happens in the future, the Experience Centre is with the mission as to awake the humanity. Telling people that how serious impacts would affect on human from forest fire. However, giving awareness through media on the screen or even oral communication obviously didn't play a big role.

Idea for the Space Planning

In this experience center, public can experience real fire forest scene with real fire, high temperature and smoke under a safety condition.

Interior Perspective Views

Construction Drawings

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